
Design and commissioning of fully automated production lines

We undertake the construction of completely custom machines and complete production lines from scratch based on the customer’s specific needs. We implement our projects from „A” to „Z” from a single source, so that you do not have to deal with an array of suppliers and the associated administrative burden. We develop our machine designs and propose unique technical solutions through a multi-round consultation process using the experience and technological knowledge available from your existing manual production processes. In this way, we ensure the development of constructions adapted to the appropriate payback plans (ROI) and available resources (Budget), so that our machines are neither over- nor under-designed to perform a specific task. Before your big investment, we also undertake professional project consulting and help you develop your specifications, regardless of which machine manufacturer you want to utilize for the project. At the same time, we are confident that as a result of the joint professional work that has begun, You will choose us for the design and construction of your equipment.

Automatic screen printing line

Complete production line implementation from concept to realization:

  • Preceding professional consultation, project counseling
  • Design of layout sketches, generating concepts
  • Complete Mechanical, Electrical, PLC design, “stage gate reviews” involving the customer for continuous professional coordination.
  • Equipment’s production and offline testing
  • On-site installation & commissioning
  • Comprehensive documentations, -Operating manuals, Parts catalogs, Maintenance guides, CE certification
  • Project follow-up, maintenance contracts

Integrated solutions from one source:

  • Complex multi-axis servo drives
  • Robotic cells (SCARA, 6-axis) with double gripper effectors
  • Pneumatic controls per cell
  • Integrated complex Vision systems for quality control and positioning. (Line scan cameras, Lumitrax solutions)
  • Production line level integrated control concepts (Modular or centralized according to needs), extensive application of field bus systems
  • Collection of manufacturing process and product data to a central server, preventive maintenance warnings

Design and construction of individual custom machinery

The efficiency of a production process can be easily improved by the addition of new production equipment’s or machinery. Custom machine design and production tool development includes machines manufactured for almost any unique purpose and task.  From the simple screwing stations to measuring machines or to the more complex automated production lines. They all have in common that they make the production or assembly process easier, in addition to increasing efficiency. Our company undertakes the construction of unique custom machines from concept development to commissioning.

Automatic robotized rotary table end-of-line tester (EOL tester)
  • Rotary table based in-line measuring machine with its own control and bus-based communication.
  • Latest generation control solutions (Mitsubishi, Keyence, Festo)
  • Complex camera-based quality control and product positioning
  • On-the-fly gripping and positioning of products arriving on a conveyor belt
  • High-speed SCARA robots attached to the machine frame on the loading and unloading side, with a completely separated safety circuit and safety PLC. Cycle time: 2 sec / product
  • Integrated high-voltage DC and AC measurement
  • Integrated FMP layer thickness measuring
  • Fully parameterizable HMI for production processes control. Graphs for maximum visualization.
  • Full logging, including the upload of files to the network.
  • Authentication of user levels, traceability
  • Integration into production lines and production processes (Batch, lot management, etc.)
Infrared dryer with rotating unit
  • In-line, -passing material flow heated by 6 infrared tubes in a controlled zonal layout
  • Cooling circuit with its own fan, with adjustable cooling control
  • Non-contact product surface temperature measurement, heating and cooling zone temperature control
  • Extraction of evaporating gases
  • Stepper motor-driven chain track speed adapts to the incoming material flow
  • Product flow rotation & sorting – row in, column out
Automatic cleaning machine
  • Integrated Mitsubishi control concept with production line connection
  • Automatic pallet dosing for trouble-free operation (1 hour capacity)
  • Multi-zone, separated Safety zones to ensure stoppage free reloading during operation
  • Stepper motor drives for extensive parameterization (speeds, torques)
  • Product cleaning processes during belt transport:
    • Air blade
    • Rotary brush cleaning on both sides of the product
    • Soft roller rubbing
    • Lint-free cleaning cloths
    • Ionizer to remove charged particles
  • Integrated HMI
  • Full logging, including the upload of files to the network.
  • Authentication of user levels, traceability
  • Integration into production lines and production processes (Batch, lot management, etc.)
Automatic screen printing machine
  • Latest generation Mitsubishi control solutions from one source (PLC/HMI/Servo/Robot)
  • Multi-axis absolute encoder servo drives, direct drives. (5 pcs)
  • Complex camera-based quality control and positioning for circuit printing
  • Proportional printing force control and paste dispensing
  • Automatic screen cleaning
  • Laser measurement and self-calibration
  • Fully parameterizable HMI for controlling production processes
  • Automatic robot service and semi-automatic human service versions
  • Cell control, Safety PLC, control of external peripherals (Buffers, server equipment)
  • Full logging, including the upload of files to the network.
  • Authentication of user levels, traceability
  • Integration into production lines and production processes (Batch, lot management, etc.)
  • Ethernet I/P based bus communication with peripherals on the line

Design della cella robotizzata SCARA

In uno dei nostri progetti di automazione, siamo stati incaricati di progettare una cella robotizzata.

L’obiettivo è che la cella robotizzata SCARA esegua un semplice processo di palettizzazione: l’alimentazione dei pezzi, l’esecuzione di un compito di “pick and place” dopo averne rilevato la posizione in modo intelligente e aver preso cura delle soluzioni di efficienza energetica. Abbiamo dovuto realizzare la costruzione finale utilizzando le unità esistenti del cliente.
Durante il programma di progettazione, la flessibilità e la compattezza della cella sono state adattate in base alle esigenze del cliente, tenendo presente la massima protezione e sicurezza dell’operatore. La gestione è semplice e conveniente e le soluzioni basate sulla digitalizzazione consentono di seguire e monitorare i flussi di lavoro online.

Siamo stati in grado di completare il lavoro di progettazione con la qualità prevista in tempo.

Multifunctional FIFO/LIFO storers with unique transport solutions
  • Automatic storage buffering stations to balance production fluctuations and technological processes for maximum machine utilization
  • Complex drives and transport systems (Belt, chain, pneumatic and motorized versions)
  • With integrated supplementary stations, Weighing unit with precision scales (0.1mg resolution)
    • Vibration protection: granite base, isolated rubber pads
    • ESD Protection
    • Wind protection
    • Fine mechanics
  • Integrated into a cell-based control
  • With variable capacity and automatic width adjustment as required

Development and automation of existing production equipment

Within the framework of our projects, it is possible to modernize and supplement existing production equipment by adding additional functions and stations. The documentation of our customers’ existing equipment is often incomplete, – therefore the implementation may also include the reverse engineering of the existing equipment’s technical solutions. We undertake the mechanical and electrical renovation of your existing production equipment, as well as the adaptation of its software interface to your needs.

Automatic steel linishing station

Our client had several generations of machines for linishing steel products. He asked to supplement one of his existing machines with an extra station, which is functional on its own, while also being able to take control of the previous machine and supplement it. In the framework of the project, the mechanics of the equipment were also completely renewed, and its components were standardized for compatibility with the new generation equipment.

  • Project survey, professional consultation.
  • Design phase: complete mechanical and electrical design, PLC programming
  • Installation, testing and commissioning at the customer’s site
  • Provision of comprehensive technical documentation 2D/3D (Digital TWIN)
  • Operation manual, maintenance manual, spare parts catalog
  • CE declaration

6-axis machine feeding robot cell

Complete robot cell for the feeding of a rotary table measuring machine. The project included the complete renovation of the control system in the related machines (furnace and rotary table measuring machine) and their integration into the new control concept. The PC-based control of the furnace was replaced by a modern PLC-based control with a touch screen display interface for better transparency of the production parameters:

  • Project survey, professional consultation
  • Design phase: Full Mechanical, Electrical design, PLC programming
  • Complete electrical renovation of the existing equipment in the middle of the machine’s life cycle to maintain production stability, as well as create additional expandability tailored to future needs.
  • Integration of the machine unit into the production line control system
  • Large size 23” + HMI based on the Mitsubishi Soft-GOT solution.
  • Camera (machine vision) based pre and post positioning with an accuracy of ±0.1mm
  • 6-axis robot feeding
  • Provision of comprehensive technical documentation 2D/3D (Digital TWIN)
  • Operation manual, maintenance manual, Parts catalog
  • CE declaration

Design of compact custom machines and workstations

We undertake the design and construction of unique, small custom machines with the issuance of the relevant documentation and CE declaration. Based on individual customer requirements, cost-effective solutions can be provided for the automation of maintenance or technological sub-processes.

Semi-automatic polyurethane profile cutting machine

The hydropneumatics rubber cutting equipment created in the project was designed to support our client’s maintenance department. In the framework of the project, the following activities were carried out:

  • Project survey, professional consultation
  • Design phase, using and incorporating the customer’s existing components
  • Making an electrical plan
  • PLC and HMI programming
  • Testing and commissioning
  • Provision of comprehensive technical documentation 2D/3D (Digital TWIN)
  • CE declaration

Research & development projects

Sometimes the incoming development requests do not apply to complete machines, but to parts, products, and production technologies. We also deal with simulation supported component optimization, product development, optimization for production or the development of production technologies.

Geometria unica del rotolo ondulato

Nella produzione di cartone ondulato di carta, le coppie di rulli ondulati conferiscono allo strato ondulato la geometria finale. Questa parte del processo determina le proprietà meccaniche del prodotto e quindi la gamma di applicazioni.

Abbiamo progettato una geometria unica della superficie del rotolo in grado di produrre un prodotto con i parametri specificati. I problemi da risolvere quando si determina la geometria comprendono non solo compiti di dimensionamento (come determinare le forze di pressatura richieste, calcoli di resistenza, dimensionamento dei rulli o simulazioni), ma anche evitare lo strappo della carta e massimizzare la velocità operativa.

Un’ulteriore parte del processo di progettazione può essere la produzione di prototipi e la progettazione di macchine di prova, quindi il funzionamento del test e la messa a punto.

Ottimizzazione dell’ingranaggio cilindrico

Nell’industria automobilistica, in particolare in condizioni competitive, la riduzione del peso di vari componenti di macchine e trasmissione diventa una priorità.

Gli elementi di trasmissione rotanti leggeri sono vantaggiosi in molti modi: non solo il peso totale trasportato sarà ridotto, ma anche l’inerzia della parte ruotata. Le modifiche ai parametri di cui sopra hanno anche un effetto positivo sul consumo e l’accelerazione del veicolo. Al fine di garantire l’affidabilità operativa con la riduzione del peso desiderata, possono essere richiesti calcoli di resistenza, simulazione di elementi finiti o persino ottimizzazione topologica. Il compito è stato complicato dal fatto che in origine c’erano alcuni buchi in un modello circolare attorno all’asse di rotazione. Richiede adattamento. Attraverso una varietà di metodi e analisi di soluzioni, ci impegniamo per modifiche semplici ed economiche che soddisfino le esigenze del cliente. Con la geometria finale proposta, il peso dell’ingranaggio cilindrico originale è stato ridotto di oltre un terzo.

Dopo la lavorazione, la ruota dentata è stata reinserita al suo posto e continua a funzionare correttamente.


In BBM, crediamo che nel contesto economico competitivo odierno, le piccole e medie imprese non possano fornire da sole servizi completi che soddisfino pienamente le esigenze dei clienti. Abbiamo una vasta rete di partner a tua disposizione. Con noi, puoi anche far parte di un gruppo più ampio in cui puoi trovare nuove sinergie attraverso la standardizzazione e la collaborazione, per far crescere la tua azienda e ottenere vantaggi sul mercato.